Module Outline

Mental Health Crisis Intervention


Crisis intervention is a short-term (usually single session) technique used to aims to help people with emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral distress or problems, address an immediate mental health emergency, stabilize the individual in crisis, and create and implement a safe, appropriate plan for next steps and future treatment. Crisis intervention is appropriate for all ages and can take place in a wide range of settings. Compared to people who live in urban communities, rural Americans experience higher depression and suicide rates and less access to mental health care services.


This module covers the mental health crisis and the intervention for the mental health crisis, address the intervention techniques and effectiveness as well as the potential risks. Besides, the Mental health crisis intervention in rural communities and challenges will also be discussed.

Module Author

Dr. Xiaohui You

Metropolitan State University of Denver


Dr. Xiaohui You is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Professions at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Her research interests include Health Economics, Health Statistics, Health Finance, Telehealth, and Health Management.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Define mental health crisis and mental health crisis intervention
  2. List some signs and causes of the mental health crisis
  3. List some goals and techniques for mental health crisis intervention
  4. Describe the challenges for the mental health crisis intervention in Rural communities