Behavioral Health Integration

Rural healthcare workers are often called upon to exercise leadership and to advocate for their patients and communities-at-large.  These modules discuss disparities that rural areas face, where to find information, and ways to effectively communicate and advocate for rural needs.

Suicide Prevention

This module begins with recent data regarding incidence of suicide in the U.S. and the associated human and monetary costs, but quickly moves to examine risk factors for suicide and preventative measures health professionals can take.

Opioid Use Disorder

This module defines opioid use disorder (OUD) and identifies factors that may contribute to opioid use. It describes the effects of OUD on rural communities and recognizes barriers to treatment.

Practicing Harm Reduction

This module, you’ll learn about harm reduction, a set of practical strategies that minimize the negative health and social impacts associated with risky behaviors, such as substance use. You’ll discuss how harm reduction practices are focused on positive change and you’ll learn how to help your patients and clients without judgement, coercion, or discrimination.

Mental Health of Farmers

This module defines key terms such as agrarian imperative and ecological validity as they relates to agricultural-based clients; discusses the impact of the agrarian imperative as a cultural consideration when building therapeutic rapport with a agricultural-based client; and demonstrates three evidence-based clinical behavioral health skills and techniques for utilizing The LandLogic Model℠

Naloxone Administration

This module discusses the important, lifesaving opioid antagonist medication naloxone, also well known under the band name Narcan.